Medicine in Practice
Critical skill training for clinical research teams.
On-demand video learning that fits your schedule.
“Protocol Registration and Results Summary Disclosure in ClinicalTrials.gov.”
Available through the CITI Program training portal, this course provides a video-enhanced guide to compliance with the FDAAA Final Rule and NIH Policy on clinical trial disclosure in ClinicalTrials.gov.
This innovative course guides learners through critical parts of the regulations and provides a step-by-step guide to data entry, thus helping organizations avoid the risk of significant civil monetary penalties or loss of NIH grant funding.

“Journal Publication Masterclass.”
Coming Late 2022.
This unique course will guide early stage researchers through the intricacies of preparing and submitting their manuscript for publication in a peer-reviewed scholarly journal.
The course provides critical insights to simplify the writing task, but also guides the learner through all of the other components of successful journal publication, including using guidelines and checklists, selecting the best journal for your research, and how to interact with the journal’s editorial team.
About Medicine in Practice
Tim Bacon, our CEO, has spent more than 20 years guiding authors, writers and other professionals through the intricacies of scholarly publication. He is a founding member of the International Society for Medical Publication Professionals (ISMPP), and was its inaugural President.
Kim Piermattei, our COO, is an attorney turned entrapreneur. Kim’s expertise in design, clear and simple communication, and video editing drives the clarity of our communication.